Vaccination against covid-19 has started in Sweden. The plan is that the next phase of vaccination can begin in February 2021, announces the Public Health Agency.
Covid-19 sampling. Stock Photography.
This group includes adults receiving LSS interventions, as well as health and care personnel.
Regarding the situation around the coronavirus, since December 23, 205 more deaths with confirmed covid-19 have been reported in Sweden, announces the Public Health Agency.
A total of 8,484 infected people have died in the country.
Statistics on both the global situation and the situation in Sweden are uncertain due to the Christmas holidays, Anders Tegnell, a state epidemiologist with the Swedish Public Health Agency, begins at Tuesday’s press conference.
New deaths in the authority’s statistics have occurred in most cases several days earlier, and deaths occurring in the near future are not included due to reporting delays. This means that the daily update shows the reported death rates, not the death rate for that particular day.
A total of 428,533 people in Sweden have been confirmed to be infected with covid-19.