Hans Nilsson talks about the work of Missing People, which lasted until 11:30 p.m. on Monday.
– Yesterday we focused on information from the police about what they wanted help for. During the days of Saturday and Sunday many searches were made in sectors, and there were sectors that were only registered at night. The police wanted us to search for them in daylight because finds are a bit easier to find. To a large extent, we look for the old sectors and some new ones.
On Tuesday, about 80 people joined the Missing People work. During the night he checked in with a dog.
– We have also had the help of a volunteer boat organization, so we searched with a dog in Lagan de Kraftverket and a couple of kilometers north. But sadly, there are no finds, says Hans Nilsson.
Today, the search area has been expanded to the north and northwest of the city of Ljungby.
– Today we have expanded the search area and it is completely new terrain where we have not searched before. To my knowledge, we have not searched there before, and it is outside of the area where it was searched this weekend.
So far, about 40 people have joined the app and the work will continue indefinitely.
– We will continue while people join, says Hans Nilsson.
This has happened: Police are looking for 17-year-old Mattias, who left an address in the Hjortsberg district at 12.30 a.m. the night before Saturday, but did not return home. At the time of the disappearance, Mattias was wearing jeans, not knowing what he was wearing on his upper body, he is about 175 cm tall, is blond and has a slim physique. Mattias may not have a jacket and shoes. If you see Mattias in this now, call 112. Do you have information about where Mattias has been during the night, call 11414 and indicate in which case you are calling?
Latest news on the 17-year-old missing
Local police chief on the disappearance of the 17-year-old: “He is probably the one who called, but then there are no traces”
Mattias’s mother disappeared: “I want to be strong, for the sake of my son”