The school period in Gothenburg shortens due to covid-19


Helene Odenjung, L, has made a chairman’s decision on the matter, which GP was the first to say.

Odenjung thus shortens the fall and winter semesters and shifts the days to the spring semesters. Students can go home on December 18 instead of December 22.

Helene Odenjung’s message on Twitter in its entirety:

Today I have made the decision of a president to end the semester of compulsory school in Gothenburg on 12/18. School days move into the spring quarter. This is to cope with the stressful situation of staff and reduce the spread of infection. Leisure will be open.

Reduction of the spread of infection.

Odenjung further writes that the question has been raised from all sides: students, tutors, directors, and not least from the union.

The reason for the decision is to reduce the spread of the virus. Also, both students and staff have longer vacations during Christmas, writes Odenjung.

– There have also been more requests for leave in the last week, indicating that many choose to self-quarantine so perhaps they can celebrate Christmas with those they don’t meet as often, Helene Odenjung tells GP.

Twitter post.

