Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S).
This is an opinion piece from the editorial team. Sydsvenskan’s attitude is independently liberal.
Was it wrong for Stefan Löfven to go out into town a couple of times before Christmas to run his errands? Maybe not, but it was definitely wrong with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S).
But a politician can think not only about what he is doing, but also about how the viewer sees him.
A politician has at all times a confidence to manage. And a prime minister who throughout the pandemic has asked us Swedes to act responsibly and avoid exposing ourselves and others to the risk of infecting ourselves, and then when the infection flared again in late autumn, raised the seriousness of That message, you must realize that a shopping mall in central Stockholm, just before Christmas, is not the right place to be.
“There will be some crucial moments in life when you will have to make sacrifices not only for your own good, but to take responsibility for your environment, for your fellow men. That moment is now. That day is here. That task applies to everyone”.
So said the Prime Minister in a serious voice this spring.
An urgent message. But words don’t go far enough if actions contradict them. Or in consultation: walk the talk.
Stefan Löfven (S) has damaged his political confidence there in the Christmas trade. A possible price for that he has to pay himself. But, worse, it also damaged the strategy of the Swedish crown, which is based on everyone’s responsibility.
It is too easy for the irresponsible to jump into the noon auction now and expose themselves and others to danger, but point out that Prime Minister – and Justice Minister Morgans Johansson (S) who shopped at Nova outside of Lund the other day – did it too; if they can, me too.
If these were important matters for the Prime Minister to carry out, it would have been far more prudent to send someone else. Ask for help or buy online.
He had taken responsibility for a crucial moment.