The President of Guinea against the electoral victory | GP


With 37 out of 38 districts counted, Guinea’s electoral committee claims Alpha Condé has received 2.4 million votes so far, compared to 1.26 million for Diallo.

But while the president’s spokesman calls the message hopeful, the tone is different in the field of challengers.

– The results do not agree with what happened on the day of the elections. We have evidence that electoral fraud has occurred and will appeal the result to the Constitutional Court, says Aliou Condé, a spokesman for Diallo, without presenting evidence of electoral fraud.

Both the electoral movement and the days after Sunday’s elections have been concerned in the country. At least 90 people were killed in protests against Alpha Condé in the year before the elections and, since Election Day, at least 13 people are said to have lost their lives.

The electoral commission, whose independence has been questioned by the opposition, said on Thursday that this year’s elections were “the most transparent and cleanest elections ever held in Guinea.”

The unrest stems from the 82-year-old president’s decision to run for a third term after a controversial constitutional amendment that made it possible.
