The now viral clip was posted on the police Facebook page. It was filmed from inside a police car during an emergency response to a traffic accident on the E6 in Sandsjöbacka, in the southern part of Gothenburg. Then three cars collided with a moose, an accident where the risk of serious and fatal injuries is high.
– It was a pretty bad accident. A car had collided with a moose, then another, and then another. There were huge queues along the entire E6, says Petter, the Gothenburg police, about the incident.
READ MORE: Long lines on E6 after a wildlife accident
Police: time matters
Therefore, the accident required a quick call from the police. However, on the way to the crash site, they were struck by something unusual: all road users had left a completely clear road for the blue light personnel. No cars got in the way, something for which the police now praise the people of Gothenburg.
– Time matters, so it was so nice. All the cars came to the edge and made room for us, the ambulance and the rescue service.
Isn’t that exactly what to do in that situation?
– That is precisely why we wanted to pay tribute to all those involved, because unfortunately it is not common for this to end well. We usually have to queue, says Petter police.
He says car drivers are sometimes busy with other things, like their phones or loud music, and therefore don’t hear the sirens. Sometimes someone even sees an opportunity to beat the long lines by driving down the road prepared for the blue light staff.
It ended well, for everyone except the moose
But this time it all ended well for everyone involved.
– This could have ended very badly. The first car was largely demolished, but even there the driver managed to get out of the car for his own machine. It just ended really well. For everyone except the moose.
In a viral clip on social media, the police pay tribute to the road users involved.
“We are incredibly happy when we see so many of you helping in a completely selfless way. Thank you!”
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