At the end of November, the police launched the series “Intervention Police” on Instagram, where viewers can follow the police in their work and in their daily lives. Three days later, the sections were withdrawn after massive criticism, including the fact that two sections breached the secrecy of the preliminary investigation.
One of the critics was Expressen crime columnist Fredrik Sjöshult, who called the company “a real piano bum.”
Late last week, the series reappeared on police Instagram, but criticism of the series continued to pour in despite the episodes being cut.
Criticism of Emma Persson
According to lawyer Emma Persson, an episode of the series, where the police confront a man who bought cannabis and film him in his apartment, violates provisions of the Code of Judicial Procedure and the decision of the Ombudsman’s Office, JO.
– You can film demonstrations and the like in a public place. But you should not film in this way in connection with an intervention. The Ombudsman has stated that even if there is consent, it is highly doubtful that it is legally sufficient. Since one is generally in such an inferior position to the police, he told Expressen this weekend.
Error message
On Monday, the “Intervention Police” was once again removed from the police Instagram, and anyone using the links from the police website will only come across the error message: “The link you followed may be broken or the page may have been removed. “
Expressen is seeking the police for comment.