The encrypted service, which is frequently used by criminal networks, was cracked last year. Since then, tens of thousands of messages have been read.
According to sources at Het Laatste Nieuws, three Belgian lawyers have been raided during the day. In total, up to 1,500 police officers will have participated in today’s raid in Belgium.
The service can be compared to Encrochat, which was cracked last spring and has since been the basis for the interception of various Swedish and international criminal networks.
Since then, more and more criminals have chosen to use Sky ECC.
Those who wanted to access the application had to pay for it. An annual subscription is said to cost up to SEK 25,000 for the full service. A price that would double if you also wanted a supposedly fool-proof phone, the newspaper claims.
Since the attack this morning, several of the Canadian company’s sites have been shut down.
Sky EEC has been used by various Swedish criminal groups, and after Encrochat was cracked last year, it has become one of the most popular messaging services for criminal networks.