The plan for the second phase of vaccination is complete


People with chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, lung disease, liver or kidney failure, diabetes, or other conditions that cause impaired lung function or a weakened immune system.

Fas 1:

• People who live in special housing for the elderly or have home care.

• Elderly care personnel who work near these residents and care recipients.

• Household contacts, ie. adults who live with someone who belongs to the risk group according to priority.

Fas 2:

• Other people aged 70 or over

• Adults receiving LSS interventions. It also applies to adults who have a decision about compensation for assistance according to social security.

• Nursing and care staff, including LSS, who work closely with patients and recipients of care.

• Parallel vaccination for these three groups.

Additional phases under investigation:

Fas 3:

• Other people between the ages of 18 and 69 who belong to risk groups

Fas 4:

Other people from 18 to 69 years old who do not belong to risk groups.

Source: Swedish Public Health Agency
