The piece of grease in the Malmö sewer pipe becomes the Christmas table for rats


Remember the huge mountain of grease in London’s sewer system? Now VA Syd in Malmö has picked up a smaller “cousin” from a pipeline in central Malmö: 80×40 centimeters wide and full of caps.

Fats and tops

Cooking oil and grease that is flushed down the sink or drain gets stuck inside the pipes and solidifies into large, cement-like plugs. This causes a blockage in the drain and therefore a risk of flooding.

– The main contents are cooking fat, lids that form a reinforcement and household porridges that do not belong to the drain and that must be thrown into the garbage bag, says Nina Steiner, communicator of VA Syd.

Christmas party for rats

Large amounts of grease can find its way into the wastewater treatment plant, but there is a risk of creating an imbalance in the treatment process. Grease in the drain can also contribute to problems with rats that later feast on.

– Christmas is a great holiday and not only for us. Rats love fat. Then our Christmas table will be your Christmas table in the sewers, says Nina Steiner.

“These things should not be flushed down the toilet or down the drain,” says Nina Steiner of VA Syd. Photo: Johan dernelius