Is Göteborgs-Posten that reveals today’s news. In a conversation with the newspaper, Nils Kaiser refers to his boss, the principal of Bengt Randén Elementary School.
SVT Nyheter Väst has searched in vain for Bengt Randén. The administration switchboard announces that “he has left for the moment” and on his mobile they say that he is not available. But he tells GP that all the work around the choice of school should be reviewed.
– The responsibility is transferred and it is time for Nils to do something else now.
Already on Monday, Nils Kaiser will be replaced. Responsibility for choosing next year’s school will be transferred to the business management and development department, and the leadership of the government department will also be transferred there, writes GP.
According to GP, Bengt Randén does not want to say whether they were dissatisfied with the way Nils Kaiser handled this year’s school choice, but he says the change is natural because the responsibility for next year’s school choice lies operationally displaced in administration.
SVT Nyheter Väst has also searched in vain for Nils Kaiser for comment.
In the clip below, one of the affected parents talks about his dissatisfaction with the school choice: