DN was able to report Wednesday that since Kry began listing patients, it has become a storm in primary care. This is because Krys’ increase in the number of patients (10,000 patients in a month) is unmatched, while many patients claim that they do not know that they have been included in the list. Health centers, which have lost patients to Kry, are warning of drastically reduced admissions and imminent threats of closure.
On Friday, Kry was summoned to a meeting at the Health and Medical Care Administration after many heard his views, says Christoffer Bernsköld, who is responsible for the care arrangements. According to him, there has been a lack of clear regulations on what information should appear when listing. Therefore, the management will now draw up guidelines and also review the various parts of the listing fee.
– The moderate regional government has been extremely lax and naive in its policy. It is the system and the political leadership that have been tremendously broken, says Aida Hadzialic (S), opposition regional councilor.
– And those who end up in trouble are the patients who have received incomplete information, enumerated about themselves and now lose contact with their current health center where they may have been for many years and feel safe with the staff.
She is critical to the fact that “there is no framework on how digital doctors should act online.”
– We must have the same rules for everyone. This means that the healthcare system must be regulated for this to happen. The Stockholm region currently lacks guidelines on how to create equality so that we get coherent healthcare both digitally and physically, says Aida Hadzialic.
During Kry’s inauguration at Hamngatan in central Stockholm, the Regional Finance Councilor, Irene Svenonius (M), was present. Svenonius expressed her hopes of reducing costs along with greater control over the content of care in relation to the event.
– I am also convinced that they will contribute to a development of care that is positive for other actors, including the region itself.
Irene Svenonius vill i dag does not answer questions or respond to criticism, but is referring to Regional Health Care Advisor Anna Starbrink (L).
– I am very sure that Kry is establishing itself in Stockholm with physical health centers. So it’s up to us patients to choose which health center we want to be connected to, says Anna Starbrink, who says patients should know what to do.
– I think not everyone has been. But if you have experienced that you have been cheated, it is serious. Therefore, you have to leave with what applies when you leave your health center and that cannot be linked to two health centers. There is a tightening of what is applied to information.
Patients state that they do not know that they have been included in the list. How do you think the ad came out?
– They have received an invitation for patients to be included on their website. But I think the information must be complemented by what it really means. I think many also choose Kry because it is attractive and they perceive that they have a good offer.
As reported by DN, patients have been asked to register to renew prescriptions, which is contrary to the Patient Law.
– No, that should not be the case. They have to change that, says Anna Starbrink.
When it comes to alarms of health centers that in a short time risk losing financial compensation and may even be forced to make cuts, says Starbrink:
– We wanted to have more competition between care providers with more health centers in Stockholm, but it is clear that for some it will be difficult now. We are in the process of reviewing our compensation models to make it less profitable to have a lot of quick visits than it has been so far. And direct resources to health centers with patients who have a more difficult life based on diagnoses and economic conditions.
– Then I think the rest of the care staff should change. Kry offers patients to see a doctor within 24 hours and promises good continuity. Many people think this is important, and other health centers should also change to have a high level of accessibility.
Harsh criticism of Krys’s physique The establishment came at an early stage from the Left Party. Jonas Lindberg, Health Policy Spokesperson for the Left Party, says:
– Irene Svenonius is naive when she says that the region now has Kry under its arm by letting them settle here.
Instead, it is Kry who has taken over the region, Lindberg believes, and may now continue its aggressive expansion and undermine Swedish primary care.
– This indicates how unreasonable it is that aid companies through the “law of freedom of choice” can access fiscal financing, but that in principle they can do whatever they want without the regions being able to control.
Aida Hadzialic says which is deeply concerned that many local health centers will be forced to strike if this trend continues.
– Health care money should go to health care. Moderate management has created many unregulated healthcare markets in which players have been allowed to do almost whatever they wanted. So it is not surprising that we lack cohesive healthcare, that we cannot guarantee care based on needs or patient safety, even though Stockholm is the richest region in Sweden, says Aida Hadzialic.