The number of Iva patients with covid-19 has increased in Västra Götaland


On Wednesday, the Västra Götaland region released the latest figures for the year on the number of patients who must be on covid-19.

Monday was 521 and Wednesday 506.

The figure has decreased in all hospitals in the region except Sahlgrenska where the figure is the same, 246 patients.

The number of people needing intensive care for the disease has risen, from 55 to 62.

In almost a month, since December 4, the number of people needing intensive care has more than doubled, then the number was 29.

– I really want to urge everyone who lives and stays in Västra Götaland to follow the strictest national regulations and general advice. We don’t see a slowdown in the number of people getting so seriously ill from COVID-19 that they need hospital care. As the spread of the infection increases, the pressure on healthcare will also increase, said Ann Söderström, Director of Health and Medical Care for the Västra Götaland Region, in a statement on Tuesday.

Continuous high spread of infection

The spread of the infection remains high in the region, with more than 6,000 new confirmed cases of covid-19 recorded.

Infection control physician Thomas Wahlberg, who repeated the advice over and over again throughout the year, wants to urge the public not to have New Years parties.

– My call is as clear today as yesterday. Meet only people with whom you share a home. Do not go to the stores, organize a New Year’s party and do what you can not to get COVID-19, he said in a press release.

The number of patients in hospitals in the region.

On December 30 at 10:00, there were a total of 506 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 positive, of which 62 were in the intensive care unit (IVA), in hospitals in the Västra Götaland region.

NU health: 74 people, of which 7 in VAT

Sahlgrenska University Hospital: 246 people, of which 34 in VAT

Väster hospitals: 67 people, of which 3 in VAT

Skaraborg Hospital: 68 people, of which 10 in VAT

Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus: 51 people, of which 8 in VAT

Source: Västra Götaland region
