The number of corona cases has doubled in the Stockholm Region


According to statistics from the Public Health Agency, 967 people in the Stockholm region tested positive for COVID-19 last week. This is almost double compared to the 526 cases measured the previous week. Week 37 was the same number 334. Every week, the number of people tested was between 24,500 and 27,500.

– The new figures indicate that the spread of the infection has increased and this in turn indicates that too many have stopped following the recommendations of the Swedish Public Health Agency, said director of health and medical care Björn Eriksson at the press conference Tuesday.

Under the Public Health Agency At a press conference on Tuesday, the authority announced that a growing number of covid-19 cases are visible throughout the country. However, the number of cases treated with IVA and the number of deaths remain at a low level.

On September 22, Björn Eriksson announced that the Stockholm Region had noticed signs that the spread of the infection had increased in the county.

– If this continues to rise, we could soon be in a serious situation again, he said then, adding that he does not rule out family quarantine at home as a measure to stop the spread of the infection.

During the press conference on Tuesday Björn Eriksson spoke about the shared responsibility of society to reduce the risk of the most vulnerable being infected by the virus.

– Every patient who needs care as a consequence of the disease is a failure for all. Because we have failed to reduce the spread of the infection.

Regarding what Eriksson raised last week about family isolation as a possible measure, infection control assistant doctor Maria Rotzén Östlund responded that this is still being discussed.

– There are many details that need to be in place before such a rule of thumb, so you know exactly how to handle it.

He also stressed the importance of all people with symptoms being screened and that people waiting for tests should remain isolated.

Exists right now five patients in intensive care for covid-19 at the hospital in the region. The reason the increased spread of infection is not reflected in increasing numbers in intensive care units, says Björn Eriksson, is a lag effect.

– First comes the greatest spread of infection, then comes the greatest need for medical attention.

Chief physician Johan Bratt was also present during the press conference and said there is a provision in caring for a greater number of patients with crown.

– Knowledge in health is greater with regard to the spread of infections, symptoms and treatment. And healthcare is poised to escalate again.

At the same time, he raised the great need to catch up with the care that was stopped during the most intense months of the pandemic.

– We have three important things we need to do at the same time here: Manage the pandemic, deal with all the regular medical care, and address the growing need for medical care, which is a consequence of the fact that we have had to postpone spring during the spring.

It highlights some groups that are particularly important to treat: people with chronic diseases who need six-monthly and annual check-ups, people with cancer that have not yet been detected and those who have had a postponed operation that now cannot wait any longer.

He finally appealed Björn Eriksson to Stockholmers to follow the advice of the authorities and keep his social contacts low.

– Work from home. Exercise outdoors or at times when there are few people. Spend time primarily with those who live in your home, shoot at parties, and stay in contact with seniors and at-risk groups through phone or digital channels.

Read more: New report: Number of planned operations cut in half during pandemic
