The newly discovered ocean current runs between Iceland and the Faroe Islands in the Atlantic. Unlike the Gulf Stream, which carries hot water, the new current carries cold water. The two streams together form a circular system, where the hot water is carried north to cool and sink before traveling south.
Strömmen’s northernmost starting point is said to be in the Greenland Sea, writes NRK.
The researchers have published their findings in two studies in the journal Nature communications. They call the new ocean current the “Iceland-Faroe slope jet”, or “Faroe Islands-Iceland jet” in Swedish.
Important for future climate research
– We’ve just put a new ocean current on the map, Stefanie Semper, who researches at the Bjerknes Center for Climate Research in Bergen, tells NRK.
The new ocean current is also important for future climate studies. That is, ocean currents are affected by climate change, and several studies are currently underway to investigate how currents change over time.
The newly discovered ocean current, with previously unknown properties, can lead to important insights to make future studies more precise.
– I think if we really want to predict what the future will be like, we must know more about how the oceans and currents work today, Stefanie Semper tells NRK.
– There is still much that we do not know, continue.
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That is the difference between climate and climate.
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