The money reaches the application stores, more in the Appstore than in Google Play


During the third quarter, 36.5 billion apps were installed from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, representing an increase of more than 20 percent compared to the same period last year. More was also spent on the two app stores, more precisely $ 29.3 billion (approximately SEK 260 billion), representing an increase of more than 30 percent compared to the same three months last year.

Although Android has around 85 percent of the global smartphone market, iOS users are more willing to open their wallets. During July-September, SEK 169 billion was spent on the Apple App Store, while SEK 91 billion was spent on the Google Play Store.

The app that made the most money was the video service TikTok, which finished first on both the App Store and overall, even though it wasn’t even on the top 10 list for the Play Store, where it was Google One the one that most attracted. money. However, TikTok was the app that was downloaded the most times from both app stores.
