The minister warns the country’s students: “You must take a step forward”


During the fall, eight regions of the country had outbreaks that can be linked to universities and colleges. So far, 200 students have been infected, something that worries the director general of the Public Health Agency, Johan Carlson.

– 200 doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s only been a month, he says and continues:

– 500 will be very fast and then 1,000, and then we will have an extension that we cannot capture. In Europe it has happened that it begins on a campus, and that is why we are concerned.

“Drunk students”

Higher Education Minister Matilda Ernkrans (S) thinks that students must realize the seriousness.

– During the fall, universities and colleges have been able to start reopening for teaching on campus. We have done this for the good of the students, he says.

– Unfortunately, it seems that this cautious opening has been played by too many students that it is free to return to a normal life.

Zeroing and student parties are noted as some of the reasons for the increased spread.

– Drunk students stay too many and too close, says Ernkrans.

The minister now urges all students not to allow universities to become crown clusters.

– You have a great responsibility to reduce the spread of infection and it is a responsibility that I hope you will assume, he says.

I don’t want to put

Simon Edström, president of the United Student Unions of Sweden, says the student movement condemns all social events that do not follow the recommendations of the Swedish Public Health Agency. At the same time, he believes that many take care of themselves.

– We have asked all student unions and nations. Our view is that all of these have taken steps to reduce the spread of the infection, he says.

Edström does not want events to be canceled, but rather to take place more securely:

– It is best to have corona insured events to reduce the risk of unorganized events such as parties in the corridor.
