The message from the politicians: schools in Kronogården are closed


When the Kronan school opened in 2009, it was intended to attract students from all over Trollhättan. The investment cost 100 million and the idea was that the school would build the entire Kronogården. Now the middle and high school are closed and the students will be bussed to other schools around Trollhättan.

– We have it very segregated in our city. Now it will be a better combination, says Sofia Andersson Dharsani (S), chair of the education committee.

What does it say that the closure of the middle and high school at Kronan school, as well as the closure of Frälsegårdsskolan, will break the segregation?

– This is the administration’s proposal that we have accepted. They have looked at other municipalities that have done the same. And all the research shows that the more student compositions and mixes there are, the better results we get in our schools. And at Kronan, there are a lot of students who have another mother tongue, and we also have a lot of newcomers, which means that these students have a worse chance of success, says Sofia Andersson Dharsani (S).
