The medals that Frank Andersson won can be found in documentaries


Of: Mattias Karlsson


Two years after his death, the medals and trophies that Frank Andersson won have been found.

In the TV4 documentary My Father Frank Andersson, the box is given to the five children.

– I think it is the children who should have them, says close friend Ulf “Blomman” Blomberg in Trollhättan.

In the documentary, the eldest son Isac Forsberg, 24, from Trollhättan, is trying to meet Frank Andersson. Growing up, he only met his father a few times.

After Frank Andersson passed away in 2018 at the age of 62, his five children and three mothers have not had access to what he earned. Joakim Langer, who co-authored his biography, says that Frank Andersson did not personally own anything or have kept any memories.

Paid with the medal

The 1977 braggad gold must have been stolen. He gave the 1984 Olympic bronze in Los Angeles to a taxi driver. Tomas Johansson, who finished second but was deprived of the medal for doping, tells what really happened.

– We went out at night, I couldn’t stand it but Frank wanted us to go out and cheer up. We took a taxi home at night and it cost us about $ 200. When we had to pay, I wanted to give the medal to the driver, so we didn’t have to pay anything. Frank thought that when they didn’t let me keep my medal, it happened to his, says Tomas Johansson.

The rest of the prices have disappeared without a trace. Ex-wife Jeanette Bouvin Nygren says Frank Andersson wanted them to be able to give to children and that he is worth more than all the money in the world.

Left on the tombstone

The box with prices turned out to be a detour and can be found in the documentary with childhood friend Ulf “Blomman” Blomberg in Trollhättan. The two have kept in touch and been close to each other over the years.

– Frank came to me and lived with me, because he was at peace and he could relax and be himself. We could call each other anytime when we need to talk. Frank picked up the box in a storage room in Vänersborg and thought that I should take it with me, he thought that I was in the wrong city in the first place and that it should be in Trollhättan. No one has ever asked me about it, so I have never mentioned it either, says Ulf Blomberg.


The box is given to the five children in front of the headstone at Håjum Cemetery in Trollhättan. Besides Isac, there are Montana, Mira, Winston, and Mileon.

“I’m afraid of him”

Actor Anders Eriksson, best known for Galenskaparna and After Shave, went to the same class as Frank Andersson at Lyrfågelskolan in Trollhättan.

– Every Monday Frank had often been to wrestling matches over the weekend, then he wanted to show which holds he had won. Then he used to choose me, it was difficult. They had a lot of respect for Frank, he was very grumpy, so you didn’t really know where you were. You were afraid of him, that was pretty clear. You avoided him and you worried a little every time you went to school and came home from school, whether Frank would come or not. There was some fear, you could say that he got very calm when Frank moved. Not only at school, but I could say it was very quiet even in the city of Trollhättan in general, says Anders Eriksson.

“It went down to addiction”

Frank Andersson died of complications after a complicated heart operation at Karolinska University Hospital in Solna. Jeanette Bouvin Nygren talks about the time after the divorce in 2016.

– During the spring and summer it basically completely disappeared, it was not stable at all during this period. Frank fell incredibly into his addiction and was probably worse than ever that summer of 2017, says Jeanette Bouvin Nygren.

In the middleweight division, Frank Andersson won three golds at the World Cup and four at the European Championship. Before the Los Angeles Olympics, the American NBC named him one of the seven biggest stars of the games.

The first part of the documentary My Dad Frank Andersson will be broadcast at 8:00 p.m. on December 28 on TV4. The second part will be broadcast at the same time on December 29.


