The 52-year-old woman is being charged on Friday with several serious crimes in Varberg District Court, including shooting a woman, her former partner, over the Christmas weekend.
She was killed by several shots from a rifle. The lawsuit also states that the 52-year-old man shot to enter the woman’s home.
The alleged author and the woman became a couple a few years ago. In the investigation, the suspicious man describes the relationship as swaying in the latter part.
“The day before the act due to the current criminal suspicion, it was decided, on the initiative of the victim, that they would take a break in the relationship”, This is stated in the free care investigation of the man who went public a few months ago.
The 52-year-old man is also suspected of attempted murder or preparing for the murder of a man, but since the suspect never found his home, the crime was not completed according to the prosecutor.
Suspected of having intercepted the woman.
This happened after the murder of the woman.
“The danger of the crime of execution has existed because NN (the suspect) had a loaded gun in the car and had just shot and killed NN (the woman)“Prosecutor Ewa-Lotta Swahn writes in the lawsuit.
The 52-year-old man is also suspected of several other crimes against the now-dead woman.
“During the course of the murder investigation, it became known that the man had been listening to and recording conversations at the former couple’s home for a long time, and secretly photographed and filmed at the home. Therefore, he is accused of illegal interception and offensive photography. ” writes the Prosecutor’s Office in a press release.
They have admitted the circumstances.
According to the prosecutor, this happened from the early summer of 2019 until the woman was killed.
“In some ways it can be said that he sought her out, and that has been going on for a while,” prosecutor Eva-Lotta Swahn said previously.
On interrogation, the man admitted the circumstances and acknowledged the crimes in some parts, according to the lawsuit.
Your lawyer does not want to comment.
I do not intend to comment on anything before or during the process, so I have nothing more to say in this situation, says lawyer Pontus Lindgren.