The government holds a press conference on the Swedish mining industry


A hard copy of Dagens Nyheter, 2021-01-27 13:44

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Rural Affairs Minister Jennie Nilsson and Financial Markets Minister Per Bolund will hold a press conference on the decisions regarding Swedish mink farming. The press conference is held together with Christina Nordin, Managing Director of the Swedish Board of Agriculture, and Ann Lindberg, Managing Director of the Swedish Veterinary Institute (SVA).

The government bans mink farming in 2021, announced Rural Affairs Minister Jennie Nilsson at a press conference.

– It is important to remember that Sweden has a relatively small fur industry in this context, says Jennie Nilsson, Minister for Rural Affairs.

The government decides not to allow mink farming in spring.

– Our mink industry remains a risk factor, says Per Bolund, Minister for Financial Markets.

In autumn, mink were slaughtered en masse in Denmark after the spread of a mutated variant of the coronavirus among animals was discovered, and just before the turn of the year, the Folketing passed a bill banning the farming of minks in the country in 2021..

Although corona infection has been found in Swedish mink farms, around 100,000 breeding animals have been allowed to live. But so far it is not known if the animals will be able to mate in the spring.

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