The government does not reach the climate goal in the reboot after the covid – News (Ekot)


– This year we have mainly analyzed the recovery policy, says the president of the Council for Climate Policy, Johan Kuylenstierna.

According to the Climate Policy Council’s annual report, only a small part of the budget money invested contributes to the recovery from climate change.

The government’s crisis efforts during the pandemic include hundreds of different decisions, but of the large budget bill for 2021 of approximately SEK 110 billion, one-tenth contributes to achieving climate goals.

Temporary emission reductions during the pandemic it has negligible effect in stopping climate change. Reducing emissions in individual years just means that the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere temporarily increases slightly slower than otherwise.

According to the Climate Policy Council, the pandemic has helped to understand that it is possible to deal with crises quickly. But according to the council, the government has not seized the opportunities of the crisis to adapt and slow down climate change. According to the Council, the government’s climate policy action plan is not being followed clearly enough.

The government appointed one Climate University under the leadership of the Prime Minister, which will have a climate-proof recovery policy. It’s hard to see how the university has influenced policy, the annual report says. The Climate Board was not created until November and has had two meetings so far.

There is also a gap between climate goals and economic policy, according to the Climate Policy Council. Vice President Cecilia Hermansson wants to see reforms:

– Yes, we believe that the review of the fiscal policy framework should be advanced, to include the climate perspective, and that we review if we can invest very little today for future generations, says Cecilia Hermansson.

At the same time, the Climate Policy Council I found quite a few decisions that go directly against the objectives. This includes support for aviation.

An important proposal for future transportation infrastructure for the climate impact of transportation will be made shortly.

– This has been a recurring recommendation on our part, that there should be a synergy between transport policy and climate policy objectives in all infrastructure planning, says Johan Kuylenstierna.
