The government can lift the secret of support – Sydsvenskan


The government can lift the secret of support

Which companies receive layoff support from the state is a secret. The government has now begun an examination of the criticized secrecy rules, also retroactively.

So far it has not been known which companies have requested short-term layoffs. But now that can change. Stock Photography.Image: Vidar Ruud

– We have started working to review the legislation, says Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson (S).

About 28 billion. More than 75,000 companies and 570,000 employees affected. State support for the layoff is enormous, although far from all companies have sent their employees home to the extent that they have approved their applications.

And it is the state and taxpayers who bear the lion’s share of employee wage costs when working hours decrease in anticipation of better times. The fact that applications are covered by secrecy is therefore something that journalists, among others, have criticized.

– This is a justified criticism, says Magdalena Andersson, who has thus begun to work to eventually lift that secret when it comes to support for dismissal.

– And also if it is possible to do something retroactive, he continues but adds that he still does not know if it is legally possible.

Thus, the severance payments already paid in the crown crisis could be made public.
