Although several experts warned that the spread of the infection could accelerate, around 400,000 people gathered between August 7 and 16 when one of the world’s largest motorcycle rallies took place in South Dakota, USA.
– The world laughs at us. How can you organize an event like this when we have the fastest spread of infections on the planet? Said Jonathan Reiner, CNN medical expert.
One death after motorcycle impact.
And now the spread of the infection appears to have accelerated. One of the participants, a man in his 60s with underlying illnesses, died from covid-19. The man received intensive care in Minnesota for several weeks before dying.
The Washington Post writes that at least 260 people in eleven states connected to the struck engine have been infected. But the dark number can be large as many of those who visited the meeting do not want to prove themselves.
Meeting in bars and casinos
The Mc meeting is believed to be the largest public gathering held in the United States during the pandemic. And unlike the Black Lives Matter demos that were held outdoors, much of the biker gathering was also held indoors as thousands of people turned out for bars, casinos and concerts.
“Every time you have a massive gathering with hundreds or thousands of people who then return to other states, you increase the likelihood of an over-broadcast event,” said Victor Huber, a professor of biomedicine at the University of South Dakota. NBC.