The father of the family is a suspect in more than 200 false alarm calls


The 37-year-old man has mainly raised false alarms about events that he claims have occurred or were about to occur in Rosengård. Sometimes you have called multiple times about the same event. The man himself lives in Rosengård, according to information from Kvällsposten.

His false alarm has caused the Malmö police, the rescue service and sometimes also the National Bomb Protection to make completely unnecessary calls. The man is a suspect in about 200 false alarms.

District Attorney Hans Harding tells Kvällsposten that the 37-year-old is likely to be wanted in custody on Saturday.

Spied on him

– He was arrested by police on Wednesday shortly after being suspected of making a false alarm call and was on his way home, says Hans Harding.

All the calls the man is suspected of making are recorded and will now come later.

When the man was arrested Wednesday afternoon, he had been detained in his absence since Tuesday. He was first arrested on suspicion of a serious illegal threat against the police. It should have been done on October 19 of this year. But later he also has a suspicion of the blue light sabotage suspect.

– He has been briefly questioned together with his defender. Then he denied the suspicions, says Hans Harding.

The new legislation regarding sabotage of blue light came into effect on January 1. The man runs the risk of being sentenced to several years in prison.

More interrogations will take place with him on Friday. The 37-year-old has not previously been punished for any crime.

READ MORE: Police anger over false alarms about shootings

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