During the week, a different kind of research has been conducted at the GP editorial office. What was the trumpet that woke up the residents of Kålltorp a Majorna on the night of Monday to Tuesday? Several people said they woke up to the sound in the middle of the night, turned on the radio and closed doors, windows and vents. But it wasn’t “Hesa Fredrik” who screamed.
Soon, two main pathways crystallized: the mistletoe on a ship or the horn on a train.
Ships or trains?
The fact that the night was very foggy and that the sound was heard in the archipelago spoke of the first theory. After GP sent the audio file to two different sea captains, who could not agree on whether it sounded like a ship or not, we turned to the traffic coordinators at the Gothenburg port. They were able to confirm that two cargo ships were on the river that night, but a couple of hours later the sound was heard.
But Stena Line then?
– Stena Jutlandica left Gothenburg against Fredrikshavn at midnight but they haven’t honked the horn confirms the bridge, the company’s press officer Carl Mårtensson wrote in a text message.
Witness: Definitely freight train
At the same time, the editors learned from Linus Hammarfjord, who apparently saw a return train and thus honked the horn in Sävenäs that night. GP has previously been in contact with Green Cargo, which operates freight trains to and from Gothenburg.
– I have had several colleagues listening and our assessment is that it is probably not a train, said then his communicator Maria Lindholm.
In addition, according to witnesses, the horn lasted for almost ten minutes. No train goes back that long, right? But considering that sea captains thought so differently, we decided to give Linus Hammarfjord a try. After all, he works in operation and maintenance at the railway and was in Sävenäs that night.

Witness Linus Hammarfjord. Photo: Private
– I was standing 50 meters away when I heard the horn honking. At first I thought it was the alarm in Sävenäs, but when I checked out on the main line I saw that it was a freight train reversing, says Linus Hammarfjord.
We are sorry to have raised residents in the area
According to the Swedish Transport Administration, a Green Cargo train would have passed the site around 12.20 that night. The time is correct with the information from the witness, so GP contacted the train company again.
At lunchtime on Friday, an email arrived from Green Cargo communicator Maria Lindholm:
“We have investigated more and now we have received confirmation that it was one of our trains that went from Skandiahamnen in Hisingen to Sävenäs Rangerbangård. For some reason, the train dispatcher of the Swedish Transport Administration, which controls traffic, has misplaced a gear, which means our train passes gear before our driver can stop the train. We have to signal when we reverse trains on the line. “
The company apologizes for nighttime sleep disorders
The horn as a resident of Majorna and in the archipelago testifies remains a mystery. That the train in Sävenäs had been heard all the way seems unlikely. Maybe it was a ship in the sea – GP has only asked questions about the harbor entrance and the river.
On the part of Green Cargo, in any case they are sad to have disturbed the night sleep of residents in East Gothenburg.
“Our driver has followed all applicable rules and there was never any danger, although of course we are sorry to have awakened the residents of the area. We worked to catch up with the delay that occurred and the merchandise reached our customers on time ”, concludes its communicator Maria Lindholm.
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