The experts on Stefan Löfven’s statement after Christmas shopping


In an Instagram post, the Prime Minister himself removes the magazine from his mouth for the first time, after Expressen posted photos of how he visits the Gallerian in central Stockholm despite advice during the pandemic.

“Jag I understand that people have reacted to read that I ran errands in December“He writes, among other things, and admits that he thinks later”if, for example, the Christmas present for Ulla could have been ordered online instead, on time”.

Stig-Björn Ljunggren, a political scientist and political editor with the S label for Sydöstran, writes in an editorial that “the water vortex of the dark crown spins faster and faster” and that “the government in a few days has managed to practice good distance to the center of the vortex. ” .

“I wonder if this is enough poodle?”

He doesn’t think Stefan Löfven’s statement matters.

– The question is how things are interpreted, and if you are one of the role models, you can quickly go from a role model to a deterrent example, and he has managed to do it. It adds to the general feeling that they no longer have the support of public opinion.

Political scientist Marja Lemne “wonders if this is enough as a poodle.”

– My spontaneous reaction is that he is very tame and lame.

He notes the contrast to his own advice, “I’d almost like to call it an order,” as the Prime Minister previously expressed at press conferences.

– That you have to give up the things you would like to do. So I think this is a tame excuse, but it’s good that there was some response. I don’t think the discussion is dead yet.

“He expresses himself in a human way”

Göran Greider is a social democrat, author, journalist and editor-in-chief of the independent social democrat Dala-Demokraten. He had previously told Expressen that the Prime Minister’s Christmas shopping is “an example of indiscretion.” Greider thinks it is good that Löfven now speaks for himself.

– It is very important for the public, for our good, but also for his own party.

Göran Greider believes that it is difficult to say how voters perceive him.

– I think it is governed by the positions you have from the beginning, those on the right are more cursed and those on the left are less cursed. That is governed by law, a kind of law of nature. But I think most people think he is speaking in a human way about the whole thing, it sounded not just like a discussion article, but more like a personal journal entry.

This is how the Swedish authorities have violated the recommendations during the pandemic.
READ MORE: Linde: you should be able to shop online
READ MORE: Löfven’s own words about visits to the Christmas shop
READ MORE: The political scientist on travel and purchases of the powerful during the crisis