“The Covid-19 vaccine may be available in a month”


Monday was a holiday in the United States due to Labor Day.

However, Donald Trump did not take it easy during his speech in front of the White House. Unexpectedly, it was the Democrats and the party’s presidential candidate, Joe Biden, who received most of the bullets.

– If Biden wins, China wins. So China owns this country. China has sent a lot of viruses here over the years. I wonder why, Trump said.

– I will never feel the same for China again. China is using our money to build a bigger army.

The president also stated that he will ensure that companies that contribute to job creation in China do not receive any federal contracts in the future.

Trump also accused his rival Biden, known as “Sleepy Joe”, of spying with Barack Obama in the presidential election campaign four years ago:

– They knew everything that happened. They created fraudulent documents, it’s a crime.

Trump: “Without Obama without vaccine in three years”

Trump also claimed that Joe Biden and his vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris are trying to turn a corona vaccine into something more than positive.

– If Obama had been president, we would not have received the vaccine in three years, probably not at all.

Trump then said that a vaccine could be available next month.

– I think we can already have a vaccine in October. And I’m not saying this for political reasons. We have done a fantastic job and with a speed never seen before.

This is in stark contrast to the fact that America’s leading infection control physician believes a vaccine may not be on the market until early 2021.

The vice presidential candidate hesitates to get vaccinated against the crown.

READ MORE: Odds: Trump will win the presidential election
READ MORE: Obama’s Sawing of Trump
READ MORE: Trump: “He has restored the damage Biden did”