The Baltic Sea two degrees warmer than normal


– In September and October, we had more normal surface water temperatures in the Baltic Sea, close to normal values. But we haven’t been this cold since then, so the cooling that started didn’t continue at the same rate as normal, Lena Viktorsson, an oceanographer at SMHI, tells SVT Nyheter Öst.

At five of SMHI’s measuring stations in the Baltic Sea, from Karlskrona in the south to Umeå in the north, the highest surface temperatures to date have been recorded in November since measurements began.

Several heat records were also set on land. In Götaland and southern Svealand, November 2020 was in many places the warmest month so far, which TT has previously reported on.

Last winter was also abnormally warm, with high temperatures affecting the Baltic Sea ecosystem and contributing to eutrophication and oxygen starvation problems.

– These processes are faster if the water is hot, says Lena Viktorsson to SVT.
