The rescue service and police were busy Sunday morning with several traffic accidents in Uppsala County.
First, a head-on collision was alerted at 9 o’clock on secondary road 675 east of Alunda in Östhammar township.
– There are two cars that were driving together. Both people are standing outside the cars. The rescue service is on site and is handling the incident. Police are also on the way, says Hans Eriksson, administrative operator at Räddningscentral Mitt.
A fine on the spot
An ambulance was at the scene, but there are no reports of serious injuries.
Shortly afterwards, two cars collided on Highway 272 in the Östervåla area.
– It must have been related to a U-turn. A woman in her 60s was fined on the spot for failing to serve her detention duty, says Daniel Wikdahl, a press spokesman for the Mitt police region.
No one was injured there.
Again in 272
At 10.20 it was time again. Then, for unknown reasons, a truck rolled over at a roundabout on Highway 272 at Librobäck in Uppsala. The trailer load also tipped over onto the road. A lane for salvage work was closed.