Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Several voters the New York Times spoke to either abstained from voting altogether four years ago or chose a non-Democratic and non-Republican candidate.
– I knew from the beginning that Trump was definitely not the right person for me. But as for Clinton, I had a bitter aftertaste after her husband’s eight years in power. I identify more with Biden, says Thomas Moline in Minneapolis, Minnesota to the newspaper.
“I perceived her as a liar”
Music producer Flowers Forever in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, did not vote for her because she did not think things would change for the better with Clinton for her husband.
– I didn’t like Hillary. I perceived her as a lying con artist. I’m not a big fan of him either, but he feels like the lesser of the two options, Sarah Brown in Rhinelander, Wisconsin tells the newspaper about Joe Biden.
Student Samantha Kacmarik in Las Vegas, Nevada says that four years ago she saw Hillary Clinton as part of a corrupt political system.
– I thought she only wanted the job because she wanted to be the boss. Biden is a common guy, John Melody in South Euclid, Ohio tells the newspaper.
“I have more confidence in Joe Biden than in Hillary”
Election polls have shown that Biden is more successful than Clinton in many demographic groups, including the elderly, whites and suburban residents.
– I have more confidence in Joe Biden than in Hillary because I like his experience, where he grew up. He is middle class and made his way. “I didn’t think he was a particularly nice person,” Dave Clawson of Lorain, Ohio told the newspaper.
Biden has criticized Clinton for lacking a clear vision during her campaign four years ago, but has also claimed that she was subjected to “unfair sexism.”
– In the last elections, I did not think that the situation was as bad as I think it is now. Also, I didn’t think Donald Trump could win. When Angela Davis and Noam Chomsky say you have to vote for Joe Biden, I have to vote for Joe Biden, Nikki Baker in Minneapolis, Minnesota tells the newspaper.
Hillary Clinton attacks Donald Trump