The polemicist: the democrats are now a socialist party
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If Joe Biden wins, the traditional pillars of the market economy, good business climate, individualism, and Christianity of the American Republic risk going to the grave, writes Ronie Berggren.
Photo: TT
DEBATE. Today has United States presidential election. Then we will see Joe bidens opinion leadership is maintained or if Donald trump Vigorous campaign rallies can get central voters to jump in at the last second.
Most Europeans keep their fingers crossed for Biden. I myself wait for Donald Trump.
This is because the Democrats, who not long ago were an ordinary center-right party, have turned into a radical left-wing socialist party over the last decade.
It started with foreign policy when Obama was elected in 2008, whose administration adopted a postcolonial view of America as an oppressor and therefore the cause of all the world’s problems.
In domestic politics, a socialist movement emerged in the 2010s. “We are the 99 percent,” chanted the youth of the Ooccupy Wall Street movement in the early 2010s..
“The lives of blacks matter!” The Marxist leaders of the movement shouted in protests, not against police violence or police shooting of blacks in general, but against specific white shooting of blacks, to spark a desired racial conflict .
Bernie Sanders would join this movement in 2016. In the 2019-2020 Democratic primary elections, almost every candidate was affected by this.
This summer’s vandalism, with leftist radicals Antifa tearing down statues, destroying shops and abusing people, has flattered Democrats today.
During the summer, they sided with the perpetrators and didn’t lift a finger to stop the lawlessness. This also applied to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who did not speak a word about the violence even at his party’s convention in mid-August.
At the local level, Democrats have voted to dismantle the police, proposals have been made to dismantle the defense.
National representatives of the Democrats have not always recognized this, but they have always followed suit: Ever since the Democratic Party leadership knelt for Black Lives’ Matter in Congress, led by Democratic President Nancy Pelosi and minority leader Senate Democrat Chuch Schumer down to the party’s politically indoctrinated belief in the United States. it is a country characterized by systematic racism.
Not to mention the Alexandria Ocazio-Cortez defense party’s general assertion of a Green New Deal, which is justified as a powerful measure against climate change, but which is in practice fully state-planned socialism.
Across the United States, citizens’ proposals are also being voted on today, with many Democrats proposing higher taxes: in Illinois, there is a proposal to replace flat taxes with progressive taxes: in Alaska, there is a proposal to increase taxes on the oil industry.
Joe Biden is kind and does not come from the radical left field himself. But he leads a party that has quickly become aggressively radical on the left and there is no indication that he will oppose them.
If Joe Biden wins, the traditional pillars of the market economy, good business climate, individualism, and Christianity of the American Republic risk going to the grave.
Against this is Donald Trump, who stands up for all the things the Democrats oppose. He takes a stand against the narrow identity politics Democrats are trapped in. A leader must protect law and order, not sit flat in front of violent people.
Socialism is something incompatible with the constitutionally established identity of the United States. That is Trump’s message.
In 2016, Trump was an unwritten card. The western world order was feared to collapse if elected. So, four years later, we know that’s not the case.
Donald Trump has defended life, freedom and democracy in the world: the Pax Americana still dominates Asia and protects an entire continent against a totalitarian China. Under the leadership of Donald Trump, persecuted Christians in the Middle East have received support and protection.
The Islamic State has been defeated. The most developed democracy in the Middle East, Israel, has a close friend in the White House.
That is why I am waiting for Donald Trump today.
Ronie Berggren, editor of American news analysis and updated with the book “Donald Trump – a particularly American president”.
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