That was the debate of the night between Donald Trump and Joe Biden


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This time, the moderator had the opportunity to silence if any of the discussion participants interrupted during the introductory speeches. But wasn’t it necessary?

– No, I would say that that button, or rather the moderator, won the debate. In fact, I think both candidates can be quite happy that such a button existed. Then there could be a debate on the issues, says DN US correspondent Karin Eriksson in Chicago.

– Both candidates maintained a civilized tone. Trump probably also realized that he lost his shares in the first debate, says DN foreign reporter Ingmar Nevéus.

Was there a missing question?

– I was hoping that people would talk about the role of the United States in the world, what role the country should play in international conflicts. But he drowned in questions about “the computer from hell” and the crown, says Karin Eriksson.

– It is usually a topic for the last debate, but obviously not high on the agenda of American voters now, says Ingmar Nevéus.

– The moderator could also have forced Trump to respond how he will react to the election result.

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