Tegnell: You can change the priority of vaccines | Aftonbladet


Of: TT


Tegnell allows a change in the order of priority.  But then a deeper dialogue is required, he says.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Amir Nabizadeh / TT

Tegnell allows a change in the order of priority. But then a deeper dialogue is required, he says. Stock Photography.

The Swedish Public Health Agency is ready to reconsider the priority order for vaccination and let care personnel go before the most fragile.

But in that case, a deeper dialogue and understanding is required about whether the vaccine actually stops the spread of infection in healthcare, says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

Skåne and Västra Götaland want to start vaccinating health workers, in parallel with the highest priority group in the care of the elderly and in nursing homes.

Therefore, the regions would deviate from the priorities of the Public Health Agency. But no such dialogue with the Public Health Agency has yet taken place, says Anders Tegnell.

– We have not been clear about the true purpose of vaccinating personnel. It’s important to be clear about what the vaccine can and cannot do, he says.

Maybe not protect

As an example, mention that we do not know if the vaccine actually protects personnel from transmitting the infection.

– Studies that exist to date show that the vaccine protects against serious illness and death. However, there is nothing in the studies to ensure that you do not become contagious. It is at least theoretically possible that you can be contagious even if you are not seriously ill.

The Swedish Public Health Agency is open to a change in the order of priority. But then a deeper dialogue is required, so that it is not different across the country, Tegnell says.

– It is very possible that it is the correct way to follow, but we still do not have that basis to make that evaluation.

Discussed next week

The issue will be discussed, among others, with the Agency for Medical Products and the municipalities and regions of Sweden on Monday next week, when the national group against the pandemic meets.

– Then we will have an in-depth discussion to see if it is the right time to change the priority and if then it really solves the problems that care has at the moment, says Tegnell.

According to the current priority of the Swedish Public Health Agency, healthcare personnel should only be vaccinated in the second phase, together with people over 70 years of age. First, elderly care staff and people living in nursing homes and home care homes are vaccinated.

– The order of priority has been developed with many people involved, and is largely based on the ethical platform they have in health, which is about ensuring that those who have the greatest need have access to the treatment they need, says Tegnell.

