Three weeks ago, the Uppsala region was the first to present the local general councils. The Swedish Public Health Agency is now analyzing the effects. According to Anders Tegnell, there are many more people working from home and shops and malls have fewer visitors.
– In cooperation with the regions, we get a very good foundation for what we do. The spread of the infection is different enough to be good with local advice. We also have all the players at the regional level, says Anders Tegnell.
– There are some positives, but of course a lot remains to be done so that we can get a good handle on this again.
In a situation with a high spread of infection, do local restrictions give a clear enough message?
– It’s extremely clear. The municipalities are well adapted to the needs of the regions and are communicated very clearly by the regions.
Local general councils have now been introduced in 17 of the 23 regions. Regarding Blekinge’s actions to tighten restrictions on their own, Anders Tegnell says it is “good if they can work together.”
Read more: These are the restrictions in your region
The last weeks the spread of the infection has increased considerably in Sweden and that is the reason why the government wants to introduce a ban on alcohol after 10pm starting next Friday. According to a Financial Times article, Sweden has the fastest increase in corona patients in Europe.
– It is probably true, but you have to contextualize it. We are in a different part of the curve than the rest of Europe. The rest of Europe has had extremely rapid development that may have started to slow down a bit, Anders Tegnell said at Thursday’s press conference.
– Sweden is far behind in development and we have also started at a much lower level than many other countries.
At the same time, Tegnell says that you are concerned that the pressure on medical care will mount again.
– The caretaker really needs to have a quiet period to graze what has not had time during the spring and summer.
In the spring, the Swedish Public Health Agency calculated that herd immunity would help slow the spread of the infection, but according to Anders Tegnell, immunity is probably lower than previously thought in the spring.
– The so-called dark number, the people we do not find with the diagnoses, that proportion is probably lower than what we and many others think in the spring. Therefore, we are now revising our forecasts based on the new knowledge.
According to Anders Tegnell, part of the explanation for the incorrect estimate may be that last spring the Swedish Public Health Agency compared COVID-19 to other similar diseases, where the dark figure is “very, very large.”
Sweden has now carried out far more tests than in any other similar disease and this means that the undetected cases will be fewer.
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