The Public Health Agency Recent statistics show that a total of 2,669 people have died in covid-19 suites in Sweden. This is an increase of 16 people in the last 24 hours.
The updated figures also show that a total of 22,082 have been confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus in Sweden.
The crown center arrived in Sweden – Not only for Italian travelers during sports vacations. Mainly, the infection came from those who visited several different countries, such as Austria, the United States and the United Kingdom, says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell in Saturday’s interview on Swedish Radio (SR).
– Looking back now, it is not the Italian travelers that we think were the great introduction in Sweden. It was everything else traveling during sports vacation, he tells SR.
Initially then infection spread in Wuhan, Tegnell stated that he did not believe the infection would reach Sweden. On SR’s question about this, he says that China has had occasional accumulations of, say, strange pneumonia and new flu viruses, and that it has never been worse than China itself could not handle:
– What we are talking about is what we do for risk assessment at that particular moment. And then we thought for a long time that the risk of spreading the infection here was not great, at the time. And that was true, it was a couple of months before we could spread the infection to Sweden.
Says only Italy It was the big reveal when the Public Health Authority first saw how big the outbreak could be in other countries as well.
– There was hope until Italy that we could catch and stop the virus. But when we saw the development in Italy, we all realized that no, we have to learn to live with it in a completely different way, says Tegnell in Saturday’s interview.