Tegnell: pregnant women should be very careful


51 percent of all vat patients in the country are covid patients and all regions have covid-19 vat patients.

Three regions report that have less than ten percent free capacity, says Thomas Lindén and at the same time emphasizes that a place is taxed in one place is not interchangeable with a place is taxed elsewhere.

20 regions report that they expect a deterioration of the situation in the short term and all regions expect a deterioration in the long term.

– Most of the regions have a more difficult situation than normal, says Lindén.

The available national VAT capacity is 22 percent, but it varies widely across the country.

Another 2,035 patients with covid-19 are in other hospital wards.

– Now we have a higher number than last spring, says Thomas Lindén.

Before one of this year’s major travel weekends, the Swedish Transport Administration also participated in the press conference.

– Christmas weekend is one of our heavy traffic weekends, Maria Krafft, director of road safety at the Swedish Transport Administration.

This means that it increases the risk of accidents and therefore the pressure on healthcare. Therefore, he urges that we all receive help during the coming Christmas weekend.

Maria Krafft, Swedish Transport Administration.
Maria Krafft, Swedish Transport Administration. Photo: Kerstin Ericsson

– What we can do is consider if we need to travel and add that if you travel, make sure you stay within the speed limit.

She also urges to show consideration for other road users and keep your distance, even on highways.

The spread of the infection is increasing despite the introduction of a number of measures. When asked if, if necessary, there are more steps to take, Tegnell responds:

– There are always more measures to take. We also know that it takes a couple of three weeks before it takes effect. Whether we need to do more or not, we are constantly discussing with the regions.

Tegnell does not give concrete examples of what more measures could be introduced, but says there is more to do.

In a question from SvD on how to look at the risk of not reaching the peak of infection and illness during the Christmas weekend but at the end of January or February, Anders Tegnell responds that it is very difficult to answer and that it depends largely on what well that we follow the recommendations, he responds:

– It depends a lot on how good we are following the advice and restrictions during Christmas and New Years.

When asked by TV 4 if a spike may already be over, Tegnell says:

– It is quite possible that the calculations we have made are correct, but it is too early to comment.

Göteborgs-Posten asks how long it may take before pregnant women can get vaccinated:

– I have no idea, it depends on the amount of data you enter and how the Medical Products Agency responds.
