– If it were just a droplet infection, with drops falling to the ground, we would not find it in the attic, says Erik Salaneck, who is one of the researchers behind the study, among others.
Anders Tegnell does not object to the virus being able to travel further than it could via a droplet infection, but he does not conclude that it spreads through the air.
“Is [är] by no means have new findings been made multiple times, without finding viruses on different surfaces in the environment, etc. ”Anders Tegnell writes in an email to SVT News.
Mainly contact infection
He continues: “This does not mean that neither the Swedish Public Health Agency nor the CDC, WHO and other major players have changed their basic assessment that it is primarily a contact infection that is transmitted in close contacts. All epidemiology points in that direction. “
Tegnell believes that there may be exceptions “in special situations.”
“Certainly, in special situations, it can cause an aerosol that can spread a little more, but cases are not described where you have the spread of infection through ventilation systems, etc., as is the case with real transmitted infections by air, “he writes.
FHM does not change
Therefore, he believes that the new study does not cause the Swedish Public Health Agency to change its position. Among other things, because the virus that was in it was not contagious.
“In general, the study does not add anything that is not previously known. It is also noteworthy that the virus found was not viable, that is, it was not infectious. It does not change any position made by the authority,” writes Anders Tegnell.