Several people have suffered brain damage after the rave party in which 27 people were poisoned with carbon monoxide.
An event that could have ended in a national disaster, according to professor of medicine Dag Jacobsen.
– It could have been Norway’s worst accident in peacetime, he tells NRK.
27 people had to go to the hospital after being poisoned with carbon monoxide at the illegal rave party held in a bunker in Oslo.
– We have patients who are still in treatment and who have had complications in the form of brain injuries, Dag Jacobsen, emergency manager at the Oslo University Hospital, tells NRK.
It does not mean how many are hospitalized, other than “multiple patients.”
Photo: Terje Pedersen / TT
27 people had to go to the hospital after the party.
Photo: Vidar Ruud / TT
People got carbon monoxide poisoning in the bunker.
“Not everyone has done well”
Police estimate that about 200 people were in the bunker at the party Sunday night. The entrance and exit were only one square meter.
Exhaust gases from two diesel generators are suspected to be the cause of the poisoning. The units were used to provide light and music to the bunker.
Photo: Vidar Ruud / TT
Exhaust gases from two diesel generators spilled into the bunker.
Photo: Vidar Ruud / TT
There was only one entrance and exit to the bunker.
Seven people were unconscious when police found them early Sunday morning. Five were initially in critical condition, but all survived.
– I get phone calls and emails from experts all over the world wondering how everything could turn out so well. It is apparently based on what they heard in the media. But then I respond: not everyone has done well, says Dag Jacobsen.
– Surviving carbon monoxide poisoning is not enough. Because if you are a teenager, you should not live the rest of your life with brain damage. It is very serious, even if you survive, continue.
Photo: Vidar Ruud / TT
Several people are suspected of crimes after the party.
Small hole for ventilation
On Thursday morning, the Norwegian media were invited to the famous rave bunker.
The largest room, about 50 to 60 meters long, is said to have been used as a “welcome room”. From the bedroom, the side roads lead to several smaller spaces. One of the narrow rooms is the place where the diesel generators were stored.
– Above the door there was a small hole, about 30 centimeters in diameter. It seems this is the hole the organizers were referring to when they say there was a ventilation system here, says NRK reporter Andreas de Brito Jonassen.
Four suspects of a crime
Since Sunday, two people have been charged with unauthorized access and staying in the bunker. On Thursday, police announced that two more people are suspected of crimes. They also don’t rule out the possibility that more people could be charged.