Task: Closed to the British from midnight


Of: TT


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson picks up the pace during a visit to a hospital in North London on Monday.  It is expected to announce stricter closure rules starting at midnight Tuesday.

Photo: Stefan Rousseau / AP / TT

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson launches Monday during a visit to a North London hospital. It is expected to announce stricter shutdown rules starting at midnight Tuesday.

Starting at midnight, English society will be closed with measures as extensive as in March last year, reports the BBC.

This means, among other things, that English schools for the majority of pupils and students will be closed and that all who can must work from home.

The reason for the new stricter rules is that the number of confirmed corona infections in the UK continues to rise and the mutation of the virus that is suspected of being more contagious has taken hold in the country.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to announce the new lockdown rules in a televised speech at 9pm on Monday night.

Earlier in the day, Scotland’s Regional Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced that starting at midnight, the UK would close the partnership in the same way as in March last year.

– We have decided to introduce the legal obligation to stay at home from midnight and for the rest of January, unless you have absolutely necessary reasons. This will be similar to the closure we had in March last year, he tells the regional parliament.

On Monday, 58,784 new confirmed covid cases were reported in the UK.

