Swedish school inspection investigates Jensen’s primary school | Aftonbladet


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Jensen’s primary school in Gothenburg is under investigation by the Swedish school inspection.

Various tutors have criticized the administration of Gothenburg’s primary and lower secondary school, even since the school principal wrote in a letter that Jensen is not a school “for everyone”.

A total of five tutors contacted the municipality, which in turn took the matter further. The director later regretted the wording and said it was clumsy and easy to misinterpret. Five complaints correspond to a third of all complaints received by independent schools in the municipality during the year.

The school’s criticism is not just about the principal’s letter. In an email sent to the municipality, which Läraren has read, the tutors write that the children have experienced that the principal has selected them and marked them as undesirable, and that the teaching has been adapted to the students who have it easier.

Mats Rosén, director of the Jensen Education school, considers it completely natural for the Swedish School Inspectorate to carry out an inspection of the school.

– Based on the media coverage that has taken place and that a couple of parents have had opinions, it would be almost a mistake on the part of the Swedish School Inspectorate not to do a review, he tells Göteborgs-Posten.

– It may be little things that you find during a specific inspection, but overall it has been good and we are not concerned.

According to the Swedish School Inspectorate, it may take time before a decision is made.

