From: TT
Photo: Tomas Oneborg / SvD / TT
The Swedish school inspection closes the independent school Nya kastets school. Stock Photography.
The Swedish School Inspectorate has closed the free school Nya kastets School in Gävle.
The school is still linked to religious extremism and students are at risk of radicalization, according to the decision.
The decision of the Swedish School Inspectorate means that students in the school, from the preschool class to year 6, must change schools. Permission to run a school expires at the end of the year.
The new caste school is not registered as a denomination, but has an unofficial Muslim profile.
The Swedish School Inspectorate has examined the change in ownership that took place at the school this spring. But the new owner is rejected as principal. The owner is considered to have an intimidating relationship with the previous owner who, according to the Swedish school inspection, is unfit to run a school.
This entails a serious risk for students because XX (the previous owner, editor’s note) according to the Security Police has contact with several prominent people in a violent extremist environment, of which three people who by the Security Police, the Board of Migration, the Migration Court and the government are considered a threat to national security “, writes the Swedish School Inspectorate in the decision and continues:” The security police have assessed that students are at risk of being exposed to the radicalization and recruitment in settings that accept violence or crime as a method of political change. “
The Swedish School Inspectorate further writes that the new owner has provided incorrect information and thus “tried to hide certain circumstances that may indicate that there are connections between the school and the violent extremist environment.” These include how long you have known the previous owner, as well as the school staff.