The spread of the infection has increased in Uppsala in recent weeks, after months at significantly lower levels. The increase is now occurring in various age groups, although it is higher among young adults. The rising number of cases has now begun to be reflected in healthcare in the region as well, Uppsala infection control doctor Johan Nöjd said on Tuesday.
– We see in October a very stupid and worrying development where it has risen very fast. Just three weeks ago, we still had four inpatients and today there are 33 inpatients at Uppsala hospital, eight of whom are in the intensive care unit, Johan Nöjd said when he attended the joint press conference.
Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT
The new advice is that the inhabitants of the Uppsala region should avoid physical contact with people other than those with whom they live, they should also avoid organizing or participating in parties or similar social gatherings and traveling by public transport.
The stricter general guidelines also apply to various activities, such as shops, sports facilities, and workplaces. However, it has not been decided to advise against travel to Uppsala from other regions.
– This means a tightening. Now we’re not just saying that you should avoid parties, but that you should avoid going out with everyone except those you live with. We are now raising the bar for a period of two weeks to try to break this trend seen in Uppsala and which has now started to affect health as well and is therefore concerning, said batch epidemiologist Anders Tegnell in the Press conference.
There is no specific advice on how those who have suffered a covid-19 infection and therefore have protection against the infection should act in Uppsala.
– I think it’s very important that you have the same rules for everyone in society and don’t make that kind of distinction. You can possibly think of him as an individual, but when it comes to parties and the like, it doesn’t matter if he has antibodies, says Anders Tegnell.
The decision in Uppsala applies from October 20 to November 3, but can be extended. Anders Tegnell stresses, however, the importance of not applying this type of advice for too long, and believes that it is important that it is presented at the right time.
– There is only perseverance to have such strict advice for a limited time and then it is important over time. One should not start too early and wait too long and it is very difficult to know exactly when it is best. We hope this is a good opportunity, he said.
Why not introduce similar advice in, for example, Skåne, where cases are increasing faster?
– We do not rule out that it may be relevant in more regions. The whole approach is based on dialogue with the regions and I am convinced that we will have more dialogue with the regions. But what we see in Uppsala that we don’t see in so many other places is pressure on healthcare.
A trend of increasing cases It can also be seen in the rest of Sweden, where again there are high numbers when it comes to new cases.
– Once again we have a bigger increase in Sweden – it is very divided into different regions, says Anders Tegnell.
Stockholm still registers high levels. And Skåne, which had previously been relatively spared, has also seen a sharp increase in the number of new cases in the last week. However, the number of deaths and intensive care remains low in Sweden. In the last 24 hours, four people with covid-19 have been registered as dead.