More than 200,000 Swedes have been confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus. The spread of the infection remains high, despite the fact that all regions now have stricter local general guidelines. Jämtland Härjedalen was the last region where restrictions were tightened on Thursday, for all regions that left early, the tighter local measures have been extended somewhat until December.
According to the Swedish Public Health Agency most are currently infected in the workplace and at home. All Swedes who can be encouraged to work at home, and we can probably count on doing it in spring too.
– Much is leaning in that direction. It’s not bad to start thinking along these lines, says Karin Tegmark Wisell, a department head at the Swedish Public Health Agency.
– We have told employers, and many have obeyed, that they should not see this as fleeting. So far, we have introduced general general guidelines where this recommendation is available until the turn of the year.

Karin Tegmark Wisell, head of department at the Swedish Public Health Agency.
Photo: Anders Wiklund / TT
What happens next it depends on development, but according to Karin Tegmark Wisell, a change in the middle of winter seems unlikely.
– We have a virus that we know spreads more the closer we get. It has higher potential during the winter months, so there isn’t much to suggest that we ease that restriction before moving into brighter times and less spread of infection. I think this is a situation that we need to deal with a little later in the spring.
Director General of the Public Health Agency Johan Carlson said in October that measures to slow the spread of the corona pandemic will be in place for at least a year. State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell had previously told DN that he believes the restrictions on large gatherings will be long-lasting, and also an encouragement to the task.