Why is a free speech library needed?
– Censorship is not something that belongs to history. Perpetrators and freedom of expression continue to be under threat, although the reasons vary from country to country and from time to time. It is also in the nature of things that it is hard to come by modern contemporary literature that has been banned or censored in its home countries. Here the library plays an important role.
What books are in the collection?
– It is both older and newer literature. Some of the works are known precisely because they have been banned or because the author has been threatened or persecuted, perhaps the most striking example being Salman Rushdie’s “Verses de Satan”. Other books are probably quite surprising, such as Munro Leafs’ “El toro Fernando”, which was banned by the Franco regime in Spain because Fernando was considered to promote pacifism.
Who is the library for?
– Both for the general public and for those who are particularly interested and researchers. Each book has an ex-libris stamp that explains why the book was banned, when and where. Therefore, we provide the borrower with context and also provide reference literature on, among other things, freedom of expression.