Sweden responds by expelling Russian diplomat


On Friday, Moscow decided that a diplomat from Sweden, Germany and Poland should be deported “in the near future.” That means a week in these contexts.

On Monday, the three countries joined forces and coordinated the deportation decisions of three Russian diplomats.

“Russia gave us no other option,” Ann Linde told TT.

Viktor Tatarintsev, Russia’s ambassador in Stockholm, was summoned to the Foreign Ministry on Monday afternoon and received the deportation order.

The expelled Russian diplomat is on par with the Swedish diplomat who, according to Russia, participated in a demonstration in St. Petersburg on January 23.

Ann Linde points out that the diplomat she spoke to did not participate in the demonstration but only observed it, which according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a natural part of a diplomat’s job to follow the political development of a country, completely online. with the rules of the Vienna Convention for diplomatic work.

– We see this as a hostile act by Russia, he tells TT.
