The minister paid a quick three-hour visit to Sweden on Friday.
– Sweden is very important to us in the US And I am very happy to be here, says Barbara Barrett to DN.
As Secretary of the Air Force, Barbara Barrett of the Pentagon is in charge of the United States Air Force and the new Space Force with a total of 685,000 employees and an annual budget of $ 205 billion.

Barbara Barrett, Secretary of the United States Air Force.
Photo: Magnus Hallgren
Barbara Barrett was received by Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist (S). The commander of the United States Air Force in Europe, Jeffrey Harrigian, and the commander of the Swedish Air Force, Carl-Johan Edström, also participated in the deliberations. They met at a hotel in Arlanda. All the American representatives arrived with mouth guards, but none of the Swedes.
As recently as July 21 This year, the United States Air Force adopted a new strategy for the Arctic. The huge area is affected by climate change with the melting of ice and thawing of permafrost, Russian rearmament with new bases and competition for control of maritime roads and natural resources. For the United States, this means that a stable security policy cushion that has so far preserved the peace risks being eroded, according to the strategy.
For the Swedish part, it is interesting to note that the strategic maps of the Arctic area extend to the 60th parallel, that is, just north of Uppsala. The strategy emphasizes the importance of deep cooperation with US allies, as well as Sweden and Finland.

The Secretary of Defense, Peter Hultqvist, receives the Secretary of the Air Force of the United States, Barbara Barrett, and the ambassador of the United States, Kenneth Howery.
Photo: Magnus Hallgren
– We have just presented a new strategy and I am happy to have the opportunity to discuss it here in Sweden, says Barbara Barrett to DN and explains:
– We highly value efforts to increase defense cooperation with allies like Sweden through exercises, cooperation in capabilities and more, as well as strengthening our mutual security interests. The United States appreciates Sweden’s vigilance in the region, as well as its experience in operations in the north.
Several years the air forces in Sweden, Norway and Finland call cross-border training almost every week. This means that the plane takes off and lands at its operating bases and practices together in the airspace over the north of Calotte. The Swedish government wants the United States to participate in these exercises as well.
– I have marked a Swedish interest in the United States by participating more and more in cross-border training in North Calotte. And she was very positive about that idea, so more work will be done on this, says Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist.
– The exercises generate trust and cooperation capacity among our air forces. We see great value in participating in regional exercises together with allies, Barbara Barrett tells DN.

Barbara Barrett and the Chief of the Swedish Air Force Carl-Johan Edström.
Photo: Magnus Hallgren
Besides Sweden, Barbara Barrett also visited Iceland, Norway, Denmark and Finland. The trip had been planned for a long time, but it coincided with the fact that Sweden had just increased its military readiness and the crisis in Belarus continued.
Tuesday passed three large Russian landing craft east of Gotland. On Thursday, the Marines aboard the ships participated in a training attack on the island of Hogland in the Gulf of Finland, less than 40 km from the Finnish city of Kotka.
– We spoke about the situation in the Baltic Sea area and I underlined the importance of being represented here in the area from the American side. And because in different contexts we practice together on the air, naval and military side. It is important that we continue this development because it contributes to the stability of security policy in our part of Europe, says Peter Hultqvist.
He emphasizes that the meeting “confirms the good relationship we have and the stability that exists in our relationship on the defensive side.”