On Wednesday, the green-blue majority presented a budget for 2021 of SEK 113 billion. The tax rate has not changed and remains at SEK 12.08.
The message was clear. The priority is health care and public transport. Healthcare receives 2.9 percent in cost increases and public transportation 3.3 percent. All other activities must be managed within the budget they have and must also streamline administration.
– We prioritize the core of our operations, we must have good health and medical care and public transport that is strong in capacity. Therefore, we are reducing political activity, 126 political assignments will end, we will streamline the organization to free up money and time for care and traffic, says Irene Svenonius (M), Regional Finance Councilor.
To cope with uncertainties In the economy and corona pandemic, the region is also seeking local cost savings. Even the county council building in Kungsholmen from the 19th century is not sacred.
– We tried to pull our straw to the pile. We left an assignment for the regional director to leave the county council building. It is not adapted for the disabled and we hope to find more profitable facilities. There are no figures in the budget for how big the savings can be, says Irene Svenonius.

To save money, politicians will move out of the county council building in Kungsholmen.
Photo: Magnus Hallgren
The region contributes 1.8 billion to health care and the extra money goes mainly to primary care. The patient fee for visits to doctors in specialized clinics will increase from the change of the year to SEK 400 and the fee for visits after a referral to SEK 200. There will also be more stringent requirements for referral in certain care options and will be will postpone the planned maternity clinic at St. Göran Hospital and two new emergency rooms.
Health has been extreme collected during the pandemic and a large portion of the additional costs, such as extensive sampling for covid-19, are reimbursed by the state. But far from everything, the state pays it and now a large care debt is also expected, estimated at two billion crowns this year alone.
In the budget, the health and medical care committee receives 1.8 billion SEK, representing an increase of 2.9 percent.
– It’s a lot of money, but we have an even bigger cost increase and that means we will have to set strict priorities. However, we are investing in increasing the budget for GP surgeries by 3.3 percent, says Advisor for Health and Medical Care Anna Starbrink (left).
Care options will come too to be reviewed for savings.
– Some care options have unreasonable cost development, including child and adolescent medical clinics. It is an important activity for children in need, but there are patients who can receive equally good care in our health centers, says Regional Councilor for Health and Medical Care Anna Starbrink (L).
The opposition is far from satisfied with the budget priorities. Hospitals will receive the same increase as in 2020, 1.5 percent, which de facto means savings.
– I lack a clear prioritization of hospitals. We need more employees, not fewer, and we need more locations to shorten the queues. The health care debt is very large and I fear that the cut in hospitals will lead to more notices, says Aida Hadzialic (S), regional councilor for the opposition.
That the health centers The three percent surcharge is welcomed by the Social Democrats.
– At the same time, today a decision is being made on the continued establishment of Kry. We would have liked to put this establishment on hold until the regulations are in force. Now I fear that we will see closures of health centers around Stockholm, says Aida Hadzialic.
Swedish Democrats also criticize the budget proposal.
– It is a starvation budget that barely allows sanitation to keep its nose above the surface of the water. The supplements barely cover the annual price and salary costs of hospital care and primary care. To get us out of the healthcare crisis, the first step must be to add more money to healthcare operations. The second step is to review and develop the health system. None of this happens, which will be a severe blow to the sickest patients, says Gabriel Kroon (SD), leader of the group.
SL, I am lost a big part of travelers during the pandemic, bleeding profusely. The loss of revenue from public transport is expected to reach SEK 4 billion this year. Public transport receives 333 million SEK from the budget.
– The SL rate will not be raised more than what we previously agreed, it is about 20 SEK. Stockholm residents should be able to feel confident that public transport and care are there for them, even in difficult times, says regional councilor for the environment and public transport, Tomas Eriksson (MP).
Previously decided Investments in infrastructure, such as the Bromma Blocks crossing, are maintained, but there will be no new investments. However, next year a climate committee will be established to work on climate issues.
The budget will be drawn up at the County Council Assembly on November 18.