Three people have died in a serious traffic accident on Highway 832 on the outskirts of Svedala.
A car that, according to the rescue service, hit a tree next to the road.
It was at 7:20 pm on Thursday night that the rescue service, ambulance and police were alerted about Highway 832, east of Skabersjöby. The reason was a car that went off the road and hit a tree.
– The car went off the road to the left in the direction of travel and then hit a tree, says Hampus Aronsson, external commander of the rescue service in Svedala.
It is not yet clear how the accident must have occurred.
– We do not know exactly what happened, but it is a serious accident, says Hampus Aronsson.
Three people, a 22-year-old woman, a 21-year-old man and a 12-year-old boy were traveling in the car. All were taken by ambulance to the hospital.
Early on Friday morning, the police announced that the three people in the car had died from their injuries. Her family members have been notified.
During Friday, the police will continue to work with more investigations of the accident scene and the investigation of the car.