Svantesson’s harsh words: “What you hated six months ago looks fantastic to you now”


In Aktuellt, Elisabeth Svantesson debated Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson and criticized her and the government for turning a blind eye in the new budget to a number of problems facing Sweden, including gang crime.

– Not a single crown goes to investments in the police, despite the fact that we have robberies by humiliation and shootings of gangs. It requires more resources and a sound and correct legal policy.

On Monday, several members of the opposition made similar criticisms, but Magdalena Andersson responded in Aktuellt that the budget certainly includes investments in crime:

– We make significant investments in the police in this budget. This is another step in expanding the police so that we have 10,000 more police officers. But we must also promote prevention and access to crime money, and we do.

“I think it’s a bit of a fun calculation.”

The other big issue in today’s debate was labor market policy measures, and Elisabeth Svantesson is not impressed on that point either.

– I think the 75,000 jobs that the government says the budget will provide, I think is a bit of a funny calculation. This budget is not correct because it makes it less profitable to work and the tax cuts that could be good are only temporary and will not provide more jobs in the long term.

Magdalena Andersson responded that the budget has a clear focus on stimulating the economy and getting more people to work. One of the measures is reducing employer contributions for young people, a traditional problem at the heart of moderates, but that is not enough according to Svantesson.

– What you hated a year ago, you think is fantastic today. It shows that power takes precedence over well-being. Investments are now needed in the police and judiciary and investments that create jobs. One in five immigrants is now unemployed and here in the study we have a fairly satisfied finance minister. I’m worried.

Magdalena Andersson admits that parts of the budget are not classically Social Democrats, but she believes that several points are just temporary crown bonuses.

– If there is ever a time to do it, it is right now that many young people are affected by the crisis, and it is also temporary.
